Read a message from the investigators, learn about two of our participants who recently completed their year 5 follow-up and read about dragon boating for cancer survivors! This issue also includes highlights from the most recent baseline paper by Dr. Wagoner and team about health-related factors associated with physical activity and sedentary behavior.
Read a message from the investigators, learn about two of our participants who recently completed their year 5 follow-up and read about Unhaltered Hope, an Equine Assisted Learning program! This issue also includes interesting information from the next baseline paper by Dr. Courney and team about health-related fitness data and quality of life.
Read a message from the investigators, learn about two of our participants and two of our AMBER team members! This issue also includes interesting information from the newly published second baseline paper.
Read a message from the investigators, learn about two of our participants and hear about dragon boating and breast cancer! This issue also includes interesting information from the newly published baseline paper.
Read about the AMBER Study's exciting recruitment news, meet a couple of our last baseline participants in both Edmonton and Calgary and learn about the new Canada Food Guidelines
Read about the AMBER Study's exciting news and updates, a message from the investigators, meet the two newest testing staff members in Calgary and Edmonton and learn about the "my care conversations" App.
Read about the AMBER Study's exciting news and updates, hear from two participants who have newly completed their Baseline assessments, learn about moving forward after treatment and breast cancer awareness month activities!
Read about the AMBER Study's exciting news and updates, hear from two participants who have completed their one year follow up and learn about the newly updated patient guide book for Breast Cancer!
Hear from two of the newest exercise specialists working with the AMBER study as well as our 1200th participant! Learn about the practice of mindfulness and some ways to increase your flexibility.
Learn about events near you for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hear from the first AMBER study participants in Calgary and Edmonton and review some stretches to increase range of motion after surgery.
Get an update with the progress being made in the AMBER study and our projected completion dates. Meet Edmonton Tester, Stephanie, and find out about Bust a Move, an annual fundraiser put on by the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
Meet our 1000th and 1001th participants! Get a refresher on some chest and shoulder stretches that can help with regaining range of motion after surgery.
2017 is just around the corner! Learn how to set SMART goals and get more information about dragon boating and the new Alberta Cancer and Exercise (ACE) program starting in Calgary and Edmonton.
Learn more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month events in Calgary and Edmonton. Get a recap of this year's Ride to Conquer Cancer which featured almost 1500 participants.
In this edition of the newsletter, learn about laughter yoga, get more information about Wellspring in Edmonton, and meet Calgary based study member and new Master's student, Chelsea.